It’s great that we have a number of families with young children involved in the life of St James Church and our younger members are welcome to join with the whole church family in our services for all or part of each service. We value their presence as active members of our community.
Young Church meets twice each month to offer activities specifically for our younger members:
Sunday Club:
Third Sunday of the Month during the 10:30am service
The Sunday Club offers a very varied and engaging set of activities exploring Christian themes in creative ways. The children also participate in communion in the church.
Crafty Kidz
First Sunday of the Month at 3:00-4:00pm
Crafty Kidz is a space for children and parents to be creative together in different art forms. Sunday church can be tricky for families with young children so this space allows everyone to relax, have fun and explore themes and life events that have a deeper meaning.
All the leaders of Young Church are members of the PVG scheme.