Sunday Sermon – 22 December 2024 – Enough to go on
Sermon by Rev Paul Watson Micah 5:2-5a Luke 1:39-45
Sermon by Rev Paul Watson Micah 5:2-5a Luke 1:39-45
Sermon by the Rev Paul Watson This is sermon 4 of 4 in a series on hope. Romans 5:1-5 Mark 8:27-38
Sermon by Rev Paul Watson This is Sermon 3 of 4 of a series on Hope. 2 Corinthians 5:14-21 Mark 2:18-22
Sermon by Rev’d Paul Watson James 1:13-27 Mark 7:1-8, 14-15
Sermon by Rev Paul Watson This is sermon 1 of 4 of a series on Hope. Numbers 13:30-14:10 John 6:56-69
Our Rector Paul writes on his blog: The magical wonder of snow can be lost by a couple of degrees warming turning the white falling flakes into dismal rain. It is precisely the same elements of moisture and air, humidity and wind, yet…
Rev Paul Watson Galatians 4:4-7Luke 2:22-40