Sunday Sermon – 21 April 2024
Given by our Rector, Rev Paul Watson Acts 4:5-12John 10:11-18
Given by our Rector, Rev Paul Watson Acts 4:5-12John 10:11-18
Sermon given by the Rev Paul Watson Acts 2:12-19 Luke 24:36b-48
Given by the Rev Paul Watson Isaiah 25:6-9 Mark 16:1-8
Our Rector, Paul writes on his blog: Lambing snow is the name given to an early spring snowfall that can catch some of the wee lambs out who are born at the start of the season. Farmers have to watch out for this and,…
This was a Bishopbriggs Churches Together Service held at St James’. Preacher: Rev Paul Watson 1 Corinthians 11:23-26John 13:1-17
Rev Paul WatsonJeremiah 31:31-34John 12:20-33
Our Rector Paul writes on his blog: The magical wonder of snow can be lost by a couple of degrees warming turning the white falling flakes into dismal rain. It is precisely the same elements of moisture and air, humidity and wind, yet…
Rev Paul Watson Readings: 1 Corinthians 1:18-25 John 2:13-22
Our Rector Paul writes on his blog: Now and again (actually very occasionally)Valentines Day falls on Ash Wednesday This is one of those years and it got me thinking that, although at first glance the two may seem totally unrelated, actually Valentines Day can…
Rev Paul Watson Readings: