Sunday 18th 10.30am Family Service and Nativity play, 6pm Carols by Candlelight Saturday 24th Christingle Service for families, 11.15pm Watchnight Service
Followed by mince pies and mulled wine.
Liminal is a word that resonates well at this time. It has a cluster of meanings including transitional stage, start of a process, threshold, being at a boundary. A liminal season implies a period of time when things are changing from what they were…
Due to the current crazy numbers of Omicron infection rate we’ve decided to suspend all children and family events run by St James for January. It really sucks to have to do this, but going forward the signs are more hopeful. Thanks for your…
Huge thanks to all those who made packed lunches. The very wet pilgrims were grateful for a warm dry hall and Sarah’s tablet!!
Crafty Kidz is back!! Come and have a hoot at our autumn art and craft session! Sunday 7th Nov, 3-4pm St James, Hilton Rd. Kids 3-9 with parents in tow…