1. The congregation of St James is served by a team of people:
Rector: Rev Paul Watson who is responsible to the Bishop of the Diocese of Glasgow and Galloway for the spiritual charge and leadership of the congregation of St James.
Lay Reader: Kennedy Fraser who has had theological training, and assists in leading and preaching on Sundays and in the overall life and mission of the church.
Worship Leaders: Ann Glenesk and Aileen Macdonald-Haak who assist with leading Sunday worship and sometimes preach.
2. The congregation of St James is led by a Vestry. This is a body which comprises elected representatives, office bearers in the role of treasurer and secretary, and a People’s Warden and Rector’s Warden. Together with the Rector they make significant decisions affecting the life of the church and are accountable to the Church congregation and act as Charity Trustees. The Annual General Meeting and regular communication with the congregation are an important part of the life of St James. The Vestry meets around 8 times a year.
3. St James also has a Ministry Team which meets in between Vestry meetings and does preparatory work for these as well as supporting the Rector in thinking through issues regarding the life and ministry of the church, referring all significant decisions to Vestry. The Ministry Team has been formed by the current Rector in consultation with the Vestry and consists of the Rector, the two Wardens and Lay Reader.