In April 2021 Harriet, Curate at St James and a couple of assistants painted a labyrinth on the car park behind the church. Here is some information and guidance on using labyrinths.
For centuries labyrinths have been used by people of different faiths and of none. Within the Christian community they take many forms and are found in various locations. Unlike a maze in which you can become lost, a labyrinth has a single path which leads you into its centre and back out again. This labyrinth is open to all who wish to use it to reflect, pray or process concerns or decisions.
Walking a labyrinth
At the entrance: Pause to acknowledge the beginning of your journey. If you find it helpful, focus your thoughts on God who cares for you.
Slowly walk the path of the labyrinth, pray or process what is on your heart, mindful of God’s love for you and of his desire to speak. You are invited to let go of anything that needs letting go of, or to say sorry to God for anything that lies heavy on your heart. As you walk you will, in time, reach the centre.

At the centre: You may want to pause and be open to some new perspective. You are invited to listen for the still small voice of God. What might God want for you in the situation you find yourself in?
When you feel ready, begin your outward journey, taking as long as you like. As you do so, reflect on where you will go from here. How will you relate to those you meet? What choices might you make? How might you be a blessing to others?
As you leave the labyritnth: Pause for a moment and give thanks for this journey and any insights you have received.
May your use of this labyrinth clarify your perspective and deepen your sense of peace and of God’s blessing.